作家:李京荣 贵寓图:那英File photo: Na YingNa Ying is a noted pop singer in Chinese mainland, known for her lighthearted and forthright personality. Na was most recently chosen to act as one of the four judges on "The Voice of China," a surprisingly pop...

明星活动与动态一手掌握 “中国好声息”为什么这么红? How 'The Voice of China' rose to success
Read in English 从左至右:台湾创作歌手庾澄庆、知名音乐家刘欢、流行女歌手那英、大陆歌手杨坤这四位评委是“中国好声息”的一大看点。【图片:中国网】 从7月13日在浙江卫视开播到当今,“中国好声息”在短短一个月内获得了爆炸性的反响,成为选秀节见地一匹黑马。不管是在微博上、百度贴吧里照旧媒体新闻中,“中国好声息”已成为东说念主们津津乐说念的话题。姚晨、冯小刚等繁密名东说念主和无数网友不雅众王人被其中的选手深深打动。“中国好声息”横空出世、一炮而红,究竟魔...

最新游戏新闻速递 “中国好声息”节目评委之一:刘欢Liu Huan, judge on 'The Voice of China'
作家:李京荣 尊府图:刘欢Liu Huan is a professor with the University of International Business and Economics. He is also a noted musician and pop singer in the Chinese mainland. Liu was most recently chosen to act as one of the four judges on "The Voice...

明星活动与动态一手掌握 “火星女孩”夺冠军 再行界说“好声息”

最新游戏新闻速递 “中国好声息”节目评委之一:杨坤Yang Kun, judge on 'The Voice of China'
作家:李京荣 贵府图:杨坤 File photo: Yang Kun Yang Kun is a notable pop singer in the Chinese mainland. He was most recently chosen to act as one of the four judges on "The Voice of China", a surprisingly popular singing talent show which has aired on Z...